Today’s email prompt for you to write about is a hugely powerful one - so use it wisely.
It’s “The REAL secret of [topic]”.
The topic could be an area of expertise - e.g. “The REAL secret of personal productivity” or a goal your audience wants to achieve - e.g. “The REAL secrets of getting clients from LinkedIn”
Anything your audience is interested in will work.
A similar subject line you can use that has a slightly different feel to it is “The truth about [topic]”
To make this email work you need to reveal genuinely insightful advice that most people don’t know. If you claim something is a real secret and it’s just common knowledge you’ll lose credibility.
But say something different to what everyone else is saying and it’ll mark you out as an expert with unique ideas.
For example, years ago when I was doing a lot of face-to-face marketing training i noticed that 90%+ of training on networking was about what to do at the event. how to introduce yourself, what to say, how to keep a conversation going, etc.
But my experience was that the real value you got from networking all happened in the follow-up. What you did after the event to keep in touch with the new contacts you’d made. And most people did that side incredibly badly.
So I wrote an email called “The REAL secret of networking” all about follow up and it was a big success.
So for your “real secrets” email think about advice you give to clients (or something you do for them) that goes against conventional wisdom or simply something that others don’t cover.
Share that unique perspective and your “real secrets” email will build a lot of credibility (and be really useful).
- Ian
PS If you want more detailed prompts with examples and a writing guide, take a look at my Email Template Packs. In fact I cover every element of writing a successful “real secrets” email in Template Pack 1.
Each pack contains 5 emails with a guide to writing each key section and a full example to learn from. You can find out more details and get a preview here
Ian, can you make a page available with pricing in USD? Thanks!