A year from now you'll wish you started this today...
👉 a powerful habit you can start right now
That’s not a bad subject line at all, is it?
It’s based on a subheading in an email I read earlier this week from The Daily Upside: “Five Years From Now, You’ll Probably Wish You Bought These Stocks”.
Frankly, I doubt I’ll wish I bought those stocks. But I did like the subhead and thought it would make a great email subject line.
There are lots of templates and formulae out there for email subject lines. I’ve published a good few myself.
But over the years I’ve found that my favourite subject lines have usually been inspired by something I’ve read. They’re less, well, formulaic.
And I think that gets them noticed more.
That’s the habit I’d like you to start today: collecting emails and email subject lines that you find interesting.
Because if a subject line gets you to open an email, chances are a variation of it will get your readers to open too.
Personally I collect emails in Google Tasks. I have a task list called Templates and Examples and whenever an interesting email comes in on Gmail I just click the Add to Tasks icon and select the Templates and Examples list.
That way I have a list of all my collected interesting emails with links back to the originals so I can read them.
I subscribe to a lot of newsletters and I’d say I get at least 3 or 4 week that I think are worth collecting.
That means that after a year I’ve got between 150-200 great ideas for emails or subject lines I can draw on for inspiration.
Just like I did today.
If you start today then in 3 months you can have 50+ great ideas collected and you’ll never face a blank screen again when you start to write an email.
And if you don’t get started, there’s a very good chance that a year from now you’ll wish you had.
- Ian
Thanks for the tip! I have a headline secret that I've been using for years and every time I implement it, I get comments like, "This is the best headline I've ever seen." 😂😂 If I could attach screen shots here I'd show you some of those comments.